Thursday, March 25, 2010

Endometrial Polyp -infertility

online data protection inadequate without global rules

does not matter if your government has adopted and will apply the best laws to ensure online data protection of its citizens, because this can not be guaranteed at all until all the world's governments will adopt the same rules and standards . Today at the conference organized by the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, Francesco Pizzetti, which guarantees the protection of personal data in Italy, said just that during his speech. Italy and the EU have good rules and standards, he said, but that does not completely protect the online privacy of EU citizens, especially when you consider the advance of cloud computing. Why protection is sufficiently high that all countries should adopt the same criteria. He spoke of creating a sort of WTO for the protection of online data.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Orthopedic Walking Boot Instructions

Clotilde's Diary: Semi (in) freedom '

Yesterday morning I found land and seeds to a street corner ........ interesting idea .... carry text, in French, which I found on the site that launched this initiative in Strasbourg

liberté après ce 20 mars 2010
nice glagla hiver bien, voici venu le temps des semis. Cordeau au Foin des parterres tires, il est temps pour les plantes de s'évader des bacs à fleurs! The crack AHBAK et vous donnent rendez-vous samedi 20 mars à 11 heures, au jardin partagé de Place Sainte-Madeleine in the Krutenau. Seeds in hand, we will grow the city, paying tribute at once with weeds, its wastelands, his faults, his destitute. Planting wild in our streets, from which sprout our collective journey poetic-plant.

"Where I sow, I am at home, because I know that piece of tar or the crack. Regardless of whether it grows or if it only two weeks, because I know that here I left my trail and I'll come back there ever again indifferent. "

Monday, March 15, 2010

Letter To A Best Friend When She Is Preg

gum broth: a photo

Lei è in piedi davanti alla fontana e Aspetti
put him in è a few meters
camera in his hands, in front of the goal right eye, left eye closed

The fountain is beautiful if you think of the child is shocking

Why must they be so rigid, with that expression so eager
A little 'higher and she no longer
noticed it?

Look sir that the mica is a photographer
cries a passer-by suddenly

I remain stupefied air more guilty than ever

She suddenly laughs

One click

There she is on film in front of the fountain
Beautiful both