And 'situated in the market square in Ljubljana. I found an interesting thing and that carry the instructions written in Italian, are gigantic.
Every day fresh cow milk, raw and whole
You are in front of the milk vending machine where you can get the milk from the farm of Mis Zavrh under Šmarna gora. Our cows graze outdoors in pastures neighbors, so that their milk has a great taste and is 'first quality', and so that 'suitable for drinking as well as' for the preparation of various foods and beverages.
Price per deciliter of milk and a 'of 10 cents or 1 euro per liter. In a plastic bottle of the capacity 'of a liter you can also pay an amount' child, depending on the amount paid. The plastic bottle you can buy milk from the vending machine. And of course 'can also pour the milk in any container (milk) the ability' to 3 liters, although 'washed thoroughly. Place the container or bottle in the vending machine. The amount paid press the button for the fill.
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