Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Airplane Flight Recorders Must Be Able To Survive


That's Gelmini, is not reform in itself: it is simply the latest in a series of reforms to twenty years. The reform policy of schools, universities and research over the past two decades, albeit with different methods, was designed unanimously by the various governments that have followed. In fact, in 1989, the socialist Ruberti, appointed by the government minister Craxi, totally reformed the university and research. The "reform Ruberti", is divided into two separate laws passed after one year of each other: the 168/89 and 341/90. The first established the MURST (Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research), and simultaneously gave way to the process of autonomy for university-led, and continues to bring, significant private interests in decision-making programs of study, and collaborations in research. In fact, the Law 168/89, art. 6, predicted teaching autonomy, scientific, organizational and financial freedom of universities to give themselves have also been employed by a simple decree of the chancellor. The next year was passed the law 341/90. This opened the door to individuals who could, thereafter, to collaborate with universities for the planning of the academic program is economically and professionally. That is one of the 90 most Mortify reforms to the university and the Italian research: this is in fact engaged on two fronts joint and parallel to complete the privatization program. On the one hand, he declared the financial and accounting autonomy, which included the possibility of individuals to donate funds to the universities, on the other reformed the educational system alongside the normal graduation, "university degree". The latter, with distinctly vocational purposes, ghetizzò students and poor students by providing, in addition to a limited duration of the course (two or three years), even a mirror collaboration between the company which financed the project, and universities.
few years later, through the law 537/93 approved by the Berlusconi government that reformed the band contribution of the university and introduced the shameful regional tax, and then passed to reform ' 97 on the limited number that legitimizes the selection of the courses where access is provided for the use of laboratories highly specialized computer systems and technology, it came to discussion "Zecchino-Berlinguer reform" of '99. The "Zecchino-Berlinguer" is nothing but the transposition of the "Bologna Declaration" adopted unanimously by the 29 EU ministers of education to assist the process of continental integration university. To this end has been completely revolutionized the Italian university system of education: degree in place of single-cycle, scheduled date only for the degree courses have been introduced to the system of 3 +2 and the Diploma Supplement. With these two interventions attempted to facilitate the movement of graduates within the EU borders. In fact, the 3 +2, should not be seen as a single degree, but as two distinct goals. The system Italian university is thus based on a bi-cyclic: the first cycle, lasting three years, the suitability is expendable in the European labor market, the second cycle, lasting two years, the suitability is a specialization. The Diploma Supplement, as we read the official site is an additional certification of the official title awarded after a course of study at a university or in an institution of higher education is the description of the nature, level, context, content and status studies and successfully completed by the student [...] with the exception of discretion. " short makes explicit the votes received during the academic year effort, always it is clear from the official site, "knowledge and evaluation of new academic qualifications by employers. Makes it easier to academic and professional recognition of qualifications Italians abroad and the free international movement of our graduates. "
few years later, in 2003, landed in the parliament a bill signed Letizia Moratti. His hotly contested reform was passed, so thousands of scientists, wobble saw their future: the Minister blocked the recruitment of researchers promoting the indefinite-term contracts, mostly in the project, and cutting many of the funds allocated to research . The "Moratti reform", as well as precarious researchers already entered, walked toward a future unstable even university students through a course of study alternated with hours of unpaid work at private companies. Indeed, the reform law foresaw the alternating work-study through the promotion of "educational activities related to internships and apprenticeships in enterprises, government, public or private entities including those of the third sector, orders and colleges on the basis of specific agreements. " short, unpaid work.
Among several successive cuts, and small adjustments including the same "Moratti reform of the reform" by De Maio, Rector of the LUISS University in Milan, we arrive at November 30, 2010: in the evening is the House of Representatives approved the "Gelmini reforms". While out of the police truncheon Deputies protesting students to safeguard their future, the majority, as do the Finian, the go-ahead from the DDL. A bill amended by a number of amendments will then return to Corso Rinascimento money order to subject it to the Senate. If you will be endorsed once again there will be a frontal assault on the right to education and the Italian research. Can no longer talk about scholarships, but of "student loans": real loans to university students elargirĂ  but, after finishing the course, must be returned with the increase in interest rates. The researchers will be employed under temporary contracts for a maximum period of six years (3 +3), if at the end of the last six years have not been made final, thus becoming members, they must leave the academic activities. The university will become a company: the figure will be established by the Director General with the task of searching for and manage funding from foundations that can reach even private companies and spas. These are the most worrisome, in addition to the incorporation of power and the reduction of scientific areas from the current 370 to mid (minimum size of 50 ordinary sector).
Reform unfair that promotes brain drain and the dispersion university, a university made for the few and rich.
However this is only the calculation of the Gelmini Final successive repeated attacks in twenty years. The center-right and center-left have always framed the university system as a nucleus from which to draw cultural and economic gain. This short review shows it. The intention of fulfilling the university and research as a point on which the future is far from the agenda of Italian politics. Difficult to predict a reversal. The student movement has, however, still need to talk and be a part of the various processes in which he is concerned. If the future we take him to him to steal, it is our right. E 'from 1968 that say, even the worker's son wants doctor!


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