The February 9, 1849 was acclaimed the Roman Republic, plebiscite, with a mass consensus so high that it was never equaled elsewhere. A sign that the Papal States was the most unpopular among his subjects, to all states and small states of Pensiola. The most popular was that instead of Bourbon ruled Sicily. Took the form of the triumvirate (Armellini, Mazzini and Saffi) and rediscovered the symbols Prisca, the Republic lived five months of ferment and creativity and offered an exceptional sacrifice of the blood in which is immolated epically thousands of heroes. The strong defense, a true foundation of blood italianity, was erected in defense of the invasion, which is required by Pius IX fugitive, brought about by the troops of the French Republic. This fact alone is enough to upset the most common counter-dogma, one that clears the Roman Republic as a separate Masonic contrary to a state defined (With a nice dose of chameleons historical and metaphysical) as "traditional." In reality not only in the Roman Republic, whose motto was "God and the People" existed components Catholic leaders and even clergy, but to overthrow him in blood and carnage of what was to be "her" people, the Pope made the army to intervene par excellence of a Masonic Republic, led by senior Masons. The dogmas bandied about by those who based his power on conditions are always false and never hold the evidence if we dare to look reality in its fullness. It 's so that it will be understood without much difficulty how and why Mussolini always honored and gifts the Roman Republic and its places made sacred by the heroic sacrifice (Gianicolo, Vessel) and feeling for what made it shine on continuity, along with Pavolini, the mythical story of the entire Social Republic.
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