The February 11, 1929 Benito Mussolini closed for the time being, that church-state litigation that dragged for over half a century. Laternanensi pacts were signed with an opponent Pope, that Pius XI, who had recently excommunicated the Alps Action Française, and catholic apostolicissima, to please the Masonic Republic oriented to the left, who was moderating its policy regarding the Vatican's assets. The Pope's encyclicals of anti-German, anti-fascist opposition to across the board, did not hesitate to scarify the altar of opportunism his faithful French as only a few months after the agreements with Italy would casually washed his hands with the blood of Cristeros in Mexico. It was with this man, Chief of more than Priest, who was signed the Concordat. In the wake of an earlier Napoleon, with a clear vision of Dante's separation of functions, in a settlement of intent and civilization. No more, no less than eighty years before had tried to do the Roman Republic. The intent was clear: to steal our country and our people in the vulgar opposition between dogmatic and intolerant factions we returned to attend today and that has tainted the air especially during the tragedy of Eluana. If Pius XI had very different ambitions, Mussolini sought instead a genuine settlement that would give "To Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's." That seems clear from the decision on marriage: the state made those considered valid in the Church as the Church, of course (otherwise it would be absurd) did not do it for those celebrated in the Municipality. In fact, this shows the superiority of civil and administrative institutions with respect to the Church which was recognized as religious authority. As immediate effect of the Agreements, the Duce prohibited the display on the Italian territory of white and yellow flags of a "foreign state" and to reiterate its deep philosophical belief is that the political autonomy of the state, six days later, on 17 , on the anniversary the burning of his sacrifice, designed to commemorate Giordano Bruno. From 11 February onwards so began a long equal to if we want a chess or fencing duel between the Vatican, which accused the fascism of indoctrinating young people and provide them with its mystical, and the same fascism that went his way of virility. The conflict came to power, philosophy and mysticism, but never became a bias (which would be opposed to the fascist vocation) so that the weld between Catholicism and fascism was not very often that this was penalized in any way any component of non-Catholic, anti-clerical and even inside the pagan movement and the party. Mussolini was able to unite for the occasion, the pragmatism to a real its traditional understanding. And 'why all the interpretations, favorable or otherwise, is given by the Concordat of Neo-Guelphism eater that are completely inaccurate. The Concordat wide popular base, he managed and was not too misunderstood. Certainly, since the real objectives of the State and the Vatican were totally divergent at the level of the higher clergy foliage was more or less continuously. Besides Mussolini tried to make the Church miraculously good and decent that role which the Vatican had just stolen during the Holy Roman Empire and tried to live with it the idea of \u200b\u200bnation that it is ontologically alien. Then do it in Italy where the power of the Church is, historically, adverse and inversely proportional to that of the state was very difficult work. But the Duce loved the difficult task and could try, because it was unable even to ensure that we meet wherever we did.
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