GREEN JOBS: THE FUTURE GOES HERE Always the same argument is offered in these cases: more jobs for the area. Construction that takes root in the soul of the community especially in times of economic crisis like this one: period when employment is at historic lows, unemployment is growing and the possibility of employment with permanent contract is almost nonexistent. Same arguments then also in Vasto, where, near the nature reserve of Punta Aderci is designed in a biomass power plant, an incinerator or better. Designed by Histones Energy Ltd, the local society, of which 85% is owned by Renec Holding and the remaining 15% entrepreneur Silvana Iacobucci Vasto (Vasto affiliated Alliance), the incinerator, although nothing is yet sure, probably would fed palm oil produced in Africa and unloaded at the nearby port Broad.
employment could then grow in the south of Abruzzo where this project was concluded, at least that is the message that attempts to be transmitted. But are we sure this is? Some questions arise, especially if kept afloat by hand and put the numbers in relation to employment policies that would create eco-friendly. In fact, according to Paul Connett, world-renowned chemist and professor emeritus at the University St Lawrence of Canton, as well as being the originator of the theory of "Zero Waste", " an incinerator provides jobs to more than one hundred people " . If we take into account the possibility of reusing our waste, again from what was stated by Paul Connett talking about the experience that has involved first in Canada in Nova Scotia, " s i could create more than three thousand new jobs a thousand in the collection and processing of waste materials, the other two thousand in the industry that designs products for the market over reduce - continues Connett - 50% waste to landfill " .
According to the latest ISTAT report, employment in Italy is 57.2%. Counting in Italy, the employees working in incinerators and landfills are about three thousand, and 57.2% of total employment amounted to 22,915,000 units, still ISTAT data, means that workers engaged in various landfills and incinerators are only 0.01% of the total. These numbers, compared with those that would arise if policies were implemented in Italy in the reuse and recycling, immediately appear ridiculous. It is also convinced Michael Roar, noted economist and a life committed to the preservation of land and environment. Roar says " the NVESTING less than one billion euro, the government can help with the collection home to 45 million Italians have not yet attained by the service . So would create no fewer than 200,000 jobs " . The Economist goes on to argue that " the many jobs of recycling incineration is compared to a thousand places: this is indeed the green economy. "
few more given by reference to those European countries with regard to the implementation of virtuous policies related to environment and employment do not leave anything to chance. From France, which is the second European country to make feasible the combination of renewable energy production and high employment rate. According to the findings from a study conducted ADEME (Agence De l'Environnement et de la MaƮtrise de l'Energie), cousins \u200b\u200bfrom beyond the Alps, from energy production through the use of alternative sources, they derive a turnover of around EUR 33 billion, providing employment to over 220,000 people working. In Germany, however, jobs are guaranteed about 15,000 more than the neighboring France. In fact, an analysis commissioned by the German Ministry of the Environment, hereby certify that 235,000 families are families that meet their economic needs with excellent "green policy" in Germany. This is made possible by the EEG ( Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz), ie the law passed in 2000 regulating the use of energy from alternative sources. To achieve its objective, the law refers to two instruments: guarantees the purchase of energy from this part of the public and establishes a cost of guaranteed sales. In other words, the rule requires companies that provide energy to buy, with predetermined prices, alternative energy for at least a year. The EEG facilitates the goal that Germany has set itself: to produce in 2020 to reach 30% renewable energy.
to admit that 'use of renewable energy sources leads to an increase of jobs over that produced by a similar investment in traditional energy sources , is also the document released by the study conducted by U.S. research center RAEL ( Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory ) University of Berkeley researchers concede that fact " the or development of technologies for renewable energy and clean constitute a real opportunity for employment and extraordinary development of local entrepreneurship. The use of renewable energy - researchers continue in their relationship - lets you start an interesting cycle of innovation-investment-employment, a spark local development in many underdeveloped areas " .
The debate about the link between employment and "green economy" has seen the interest also of the International Conference on Renewable Energy held Abu Dhabi last September. The meeting, which saw the participation of more NGOs, but also to the environment ministers of many countries, was organized dall'IRENE (Internationatl Renewable Energy Agency), whose general director Helene Pelosse, confirmed the excellent worldwide trend in the areas of employment where it has been abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200btraditional energy sources. Pelosse confirmed that the place of employment in the field of renewable energy is increasing and will not stop: it is estimated that in 2030 people employed in this field will be more than 20 million, and the figure is even more exciting if only is compared with that of 2008, which saw 2,332,000 employees.
These numbers contradict those who continue to be critical of "green policies". You can peacefully say that continuing to invest in obsolete and polluting energy is a major loss of job opportunities and environmentally sound. If the project Histone Energy Ltd. was completed and endorsed, this could mean a severe defeat not only environmental, but also in the business. Counter defeating and absurd policies only to gain some big lobby of the energy market, is a duty not only for the legitimate business interests of the citizens, but also moral, civil and cultural. In the final analysis can be peacefully to say that the future of work, as well as the territories, through the adoption of eco-friendly choices .