Monday, November 15, 2010

Professional Beauty Cases

IF YOU WANT TO SHOW THE BEAUTIFUL RABBIT has to suffer (at least for a while).

E 'was postponed again, this time to 2013, the entry into force of EU Directive that would prohibit the testing of cosmetics on animals. The directive, obtained after a widespread campaign launched by the European Coalition against Vivisection, is due to come into force twelve years ago now. In fact, the European Union, was set in 1998 to ban all cosmetics manufacturers to test their products on animals, and now we are left to attend a new postponement of the ban everything that refers to 2013.
not alone. The EU Health and Consumer Commission, established in 2011, a few months and then, through a referendum in which all could participate by simply filling out a printed form, it will have the same submit a report on alternative methods to animal experimentation in vivo. There was however a problem. To accede to the popular consultation were mainly those of cosmetics companies that still make use of animals for their research, in fact, the initiative of the popular consultation, so important in the next 2013 is finally banned vivisection for cosmetics, has been little advertised, we can say perhaps deliberately obscured. Going to scrutinize the role of the Committee and stakeholders will provide an overview as clear as worrying. Barroso moved control of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), which passes from the portfolio of enterprise security and consumer wallet. The main task of the EMEA is to " protect and promote public health and animal health through the evaluation and control of medicinal products for human and veterinary use; also increasingly from those outlined on the official website of the agency concerned, the EMEA "provides scientific advice to companies engaged in the development of new medical products and assist in developing protocols, and also publishes guidelines on requirements for test quality, safety and effectiveness. " In "Grants and Public Procurement the EMEA website, we find a series of donors including the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). In turn, ECHA is funded by those directly involved in the production of cosmetics, such as' International Association for Soaps Detergents and Maintenance Products (AISE) and the European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (Colipa).
The field of cosmetics is one of the most painful for the animals. Cosmetic products to be marketed, require checks prior to giving the green light to production. There are five tests that the new chemicals are generally subject: the ' LD50 (toxicity tests consisting of a chemical when administering this substance in increasing amounts to groups of animals to determine the amount sufficient to kill half of the animal which was administered), the Draize test for cosmetics (method for assessing the ability of a substance to irritate human skin consisting of applying the test substance on the shaved and abraded skin of animals, usually rabbits or guinea pigs, and then evaluated at the time caused irritation), the Draize Eye Test (method for assessing the ability of a substance to irritate tissues of the human eye, consisting of instilling the substance in the eyes of albino rabbits and then distance of several days to examine the damage that it causes the tissues of the eye). Test phototoxicity (aimed at assessing the reaction to visible light or UVA exposure of the skin of animals when it is applied cosmetics in question); Test of carcinogenicity ( determines whether a substance is carcinogenic or not. Generally, rodents are used to which is made ingest or inhale the substance for a period of several years also. Following the animals are killed and autopsied to determine the presence of any cancer in their tissues). If these toxicity tests where animals are forced not enough to stop this barbarism and to induce us all to buy products made from animal methods, it means that the civilization of which we boast is all a farce.
The companies that manufacture their products through alternative methods to animal testing are those that are recognized by ' Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (ICEA). These are available directly on the official website .


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