A long time ago, in a seemingly normal small town, the events began to happen strange, as if they were taken by a king with magical powers who, with his fairy wand esaudisse his every desire. Unexplained events were those that followed one another: no one was able to give a logical explanation, no inhabitant of the small country could cope with those events. One day, the citizens, weary of yet another spell on their captain, the most serious ever happened, had been stolen the sun gave light to the country for thousands of years and has always allowed them to see, decided that it was time to get to looking for that something, or that someone, that govern those spells. By common consent, decided to explore even the smallest, most cramped and minutes of their loved one corner of the country while find the cause of those spells, but, above all, wanted to find their beloved sun. And so began the search. Surrounded by a dark, set off and beat every single meter of the country without finding any evidence so that the fruitless search, he dropped all into a deep depression. After long walks, after long and desperate search, here is that suddenly, unexpectedly, surrounded by a thick forest, hunt down a huge castle gold. First appeared in their eyes a beautiful landscape: they saw clear water gushing from a stream lined with colorful flowers, their feet resting on a glass floor, there were butterflies and dragonflies flying free in the air and light, there were bright colors that perfectly alternated and were the backdrop to the magnificent scenery. No one ventured a word to interrupt the silence of astonishment. Every now and then felt a sigh of pleasure, a moan here and there to act as a break in the peace, but not a single word. All in a moment, forgot their mission, all were being carried away by their vision but no one, not a single citizen, he realized that to illuminate the castle was the sun in their stolen.
welcomed by the inhabitants, the door of the gate, golden, too, was a courtier to the king of the castle owner. They accepted the invitation to enter and remain there for hours eating and drinking all the goodness in their bids. When night fell, they decided to return home to spend the night, but did not hesitate to say yes when the king asked them if they would come back the next day to find it. Not only returned the next day, but every day of their lives.
But one day, a man more attentive than others, during the daily visit to the castle, he noticed that his shadow followed him at every step, every single movement. Looking up to heaven and saw the sun that once shone on his country and immediately began spreading the word. Nobody followed him, were all taken from the golden castle, flowers and the brook, all hung from the ostentatious wealth. The man, day after day, tried to turn the gaze of the villagers towards the sun, but no one would ever hear. The sun was no longer necessary for the citizens had become accustomed to the horse. They were not accustomed to seeing. They had only to enjoy a few hours a day, the king of riches.
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